Hello all...
Just wondering about a future plugin that may be very helpful to the millions of Photobucket users who have recently discovered their images are being held for ransom by PhotoBucket... seems that photobucket is now holding photos hostage and will not release them to the users unless they pay a fee (i assume this is because they either have too many images or they broke some rule... i don't know, never used photobucket, but a number of my friends have this issue).
A possible way to import from photobucket might be a great plugin to figure out no?
Piwigo 2.9.1
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 5.6.31 (Show info) [2017-08-11 12:45:15]
MySQL: 5.6.34-log [2017-08-11 12:45:15]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.7.7-10
Hi :-)
Have you test [extension by mistic100] URL Uploader ?
Hi calsnoboarder,
I've taken a few hours to study the "photobucket case" and their policy change on hotlink (what they call "3rd party hosting"). I understand why many users are upset about this change ! Asking $400 to (re)enable this feature might be felt as being taken hostage!
Technically speaking, it seems that Photobucket has an API but the documentation is very old and I haven't found any client for PHP :-/