When i have installed webbgallery (v1.2) something realy is wrong. If I go to for example "Instructions" it will look somtjing like this:
".$lang['help_images_intro']." :
"; for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $lang['help_images'] ); $i++ ) { echo"
".$lang['help_images'][$i].""; } echo"
Databes update are even worse.
U can check it out at ** Broken link**
L/P admin/admin
What is wrong, (what have I done... )
When i have installed webbgallery (v1.2) something realy is wrong. If I go to for example "Instructions" it will look somtjing like this:
".$lang['help_images_intro']." :
"; for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $lang['help_images'] ); $i++ ) { echo"
".$lang['help_images'][$i].""; } echo"
Databes update are even worse.
U can check it out at** Broken link**
L/P admin/admin
What is wrong, (what have I done... )
jusr registred now :lol:
your pb is very strange...
it's like if your php file were corrupted... Try to redownload the archive and to install PhpWebGallery again. I don't see what is wrong.
Now have I tried to delete all files, droped tables, dl new file and installed that...
And pb is still the same.
Do u have a hint witch file that maybe are corupted?
/ Sigge
for example, a_propos.php seems to have this pb : http://www.alvsjo.org/hangmattorna/matt … hp?expand=