Hi Folks,
I'm looking for a photo gallery, of course. A more experienced user can answer my question and I will know immediately if Piwigo will work.
Does this script manage an unpolluted hierarchy of media? What I mean by this, is suppose I already have a hierarchy of media and I want to overlay a photo album for indexing, display, voting, permissions, and so on. All of that should be done in a database, leaving the hierarchy of media untouched and leaving the directories unpolluted with "helper" files. Is this the case, or will there be meddling with the existing archive, and junk left lying around?
Thanks for the help,
it is the case
you just have to install Piwigo, make a symlink between "galleries" and your photos folder and run a "quick sync" from the admin home
Hi Mistic,
Just to be clear, all the metadata is stored in a database and none of it is stored in the filesystem? Sorry to be pedantic, but forum responses are frequently the result of a cursory reading of the question and that can generate wrong answers.
Thanks for the help,
I don't see how metadata could be stored in filesystem...
Piwigo DOES generate cache files, but not where original are located
You really should try by yourself....
Hi Mistic,
There are systems that do that. It's generally unpleasant. They have specified files for labels, captions, css, settings, and lots of other junk mixed in with the media. It is more common than you'd guess.
I will try, now that I know there is a possibility of success. I asked because "try" is a several hour commitment, but "ask" can be quite quick.
I think you've answered my question and I appreciate your very quick and thorough response.
Thanks for your help,
I'm in that same situation as you were one year ago. I have a central place where I store my pictures on a server. I don't want any photo-management software to mess with it.
Little background on my workflow: Every picture on every mobile device (with camera) is automatically uploaded as soon as wifi is connected. Pictures from my dedicated camera's are also moved to this same directory on the server following the same structure /<YEAR>-<MONTH>/ when they are plugged in the server sd card reader.
How did you setup the "symlink between "galleries" " part? Or did you do it differently? I'm curious. Thanks.
I'm looking for answers to these questions too.