Recent picture/album displayed image file (default period: 7 days) could be an icon (fontAwesome)
{if !empty($cat.icon_ts)} <img title="{$cat.icon_ts.TITLE}" src="{$ROOT_URL}{$themeconf.icon_dir}/recent{if $cat.icon_ts.IS_CHILD_DATE}_by_child{/if}.png" class="icon" alt="(!)"> {/if}
For example
{if !empty($cat.icon_ts)} <i class="fas fa-bolt" title="{$cat.icon_ts.TITLE}"></i> {/if}
Edit. not seen the following GitHub's commit but if you don't erase these {if ...} and {/if} then all seems right...
[Github] piwigo-bootstrap-darkroom commit 34547c07
Last edited by Jessy (2020-03-28 20:29:33)
Register Page: missing update from "panel" to "card" CSS Classes
Bootstrap v3
<div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading"> {'Enter your personnal informations'|@translate} </div> <div class="panel-body">
Bootstrap v4
<div class="card"> <h4 class="card-header"> {'Enter your personnal informations'|@translate} </h4> <div class="card-body">
Last edited by Jessy (2020-03-26 12:33:44)
Have you add css for gest responsive home page PWG Stuffs ?
css gor img in banner ?
Something strange with radio check boxes on profile page isn't? Left space (see screenshot)
Last edited by Jessy (2020-03-26 21:16:59)
Related to this recent icon ;) the following pages need to be edited: menubar_categories.tpl and mainpage_categories.tpl
Redirect Page: missing "d-flex" isn't? this seems not centered at this point
<div class="container{if $theme_config->fluid_width}-fluid{/if} justify-content-center mb-5">
Horizontal forms aren't displayed as they should be ;) isn't?
Horizontal forms overhauled:
* Dropped the .form-horizontal class requirement
* Renamed .control-label to .col-form-label
Right at Profile page but not at Comments, Identification, Password, Register pages!
I am not able to hide EXIF Metadata on the photo page corresponding to the photo.
Attached is the screenshot of the photo page.
Theme - Bootstrap Darkroom
1. I tried to follow the instructions given on the same thread earlier. … by-default
This doesn't work. I do not get any tab by the name 'Personal Plugin' when clicked on Plugins > LocalFiles Editor Tab.
Attached along with is the screenshot.
2. On the same link there is mentioned about a 'toggle button' being available to switch-off/on the display of EXIF Metadata.
This is enabled. But I do not see the button any place.
Attached along with is the screenshot of Options > Display Tab > Photo Page.
Best Regards,
Hi Teekay,
Small display problem with PWG Stuff: if you want to display 2 blocks on the same line, the theme displays the 2 blocks on different lines.
Last edited by Guillaume C (2020-04-07 17:20:14)
Thanks to providing this amazing theme.
Hello guys,
I am new to Piwigo and Front End development, so probably this is not a good question, but I was not able to solve this problem for some days.
I use Piwigo with the Bootstrap Darkroom theme. I strongly prefer to have my albums displayed in 5 columns instead of 4/6. Is this possible?
I am pretty sure there is no UI configuration option, but I assume I have to rebuild the theme somehow. Still, as I have no Bootstrap experience, so I have no idea where to start from - any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Last edited by zlatko (2020-05-28 17:46:44)
Hello Teekay !
Is there a way to display the map below the photo on picture page ?
I have lost the map display since I turned to BootStrap Darkroom : there is only a microscopic piece of map if I choose the slider display. And none at all with the other options for photo informations.
Of course the map is correctly displayed on the album page, but it is of less interest, especially for the GPX files which do not have any background.
I use OSM. … _olivieres
Last edited by Katryne (2020-06-03 09:41:08)
Does this theme supports retina displays? Seems like not. Is anything we can do in order to support retina displays?
No news since a long time :-( still in development? only locale seem updated … 4...master
Hi ! I am presently struggling to customize Modus, which has become Piwigo default theme and as such is supposed to be maintained on a regular term. For all the 6 issues I mentionned here or on the French forum are in fact related to BootStrap Darkroom and no soluce has ever been given to me. I'm like the rats that leave the ship when it sinks.
Last edited by Katryne (2020-08-21 12:53:41)