Sorry, I've been searching the web for two hours now and I have yet to find an answer to this.
Is there a guide on how to embed a piwigo gallery into an existing page?
I need some sort of a step by step thing because everything I have tried for the last 3 hours has not worked.
Any help is appreciated. A link, a message, semifore...
NM: After monkeying with it I got it into an iframe. Great app, really great but the documentation from installation to implementation is really lacking. A few short tutorials would really help.
related extensions
[extension by sadrobot] Piwigo4blog
[extension by Gotcha] PiwiShack
might help you out. Haven't tried them myself though.
The "Docs" page had installation documentation. Piwigo also comes with a tutorial plugin to walk you through the basics.
Last edited by executive (2020-05-31 04:19:25)
Instead of iframe use object
<object data="URL to your Piwigo" width="XXX" height="YYY" type="text/html"></object>
you can even put this into <div> and style margins, padding etc.
I'll try that because honestly the iFrame is severely lacking due to not being responsive at all.
Thank you
@Executive Yeah, I read through those. They were not actually very good. There were a lot of blanks int he process. On top of that there are no basics guides that would help people that have a general knowledge of such things but don't know all of the ins and outs of Piwigo.
Like I said, good program, bad documentation. With better documentation I imagine that adoption would be much higher.
@telemach I attempted using the object tag but it doesn't show up. It will show up in a preview via Dreamweaver or VS Code but it doesn't show up when I throw the file on the server.
It is an open project, so if you have any ideas how to improve it then you are more than welcome to help.
try again with sample page as this is working; I am using object for my other project and it's HTML5 compatible but it might not show up if you are using outdated browser
@executive Agreed. I wish I had the time to do more of that. It does take more than coding to make an open source project successful.
@Telemach My bad. I had forgotten the 's' in 'https' as I installed the cert today.