I am looking for a little help. On a mobile device, a Piwigo site will have a mobile menu bar at the top left of the screen. The bars are usually black, by default. I need to change the colour to a white. How do I do this.
Please pop into this URL on your mobile and you will see why:
Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.12 (Show info) [2020-11-08 08:58:38]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.2.33-MariaDB-log [2020-11-08 08:59:16]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.10-68
Piwigo URL:
Last edited by Zimbandrew (2020-11-08 10:11:50)
My apologies... its the top left on the mobile screen!
Are there no takers on this... surely its not an insurmountable issue.
So this isn't a super active forum, so you may need to wait more than a couple days. Also, this issue isn't really piwigo specific, so people may not feel like commenting.
And there is already a help doc about it here, which you will need to read to make sense of what I recommend: … q:css_code
You can simulate mobile on a desktop by shrinking your browser window. Then right click on the three bar icon and click "inspect".
In the css you will see
A .pwg-icon {
color: #000000;
That's what is making it black. Follow the instructions on that link and try adding
a.pwg-icon {
color: white;
If that doesn't work, try
a.pwg-icon {
color: white!important;
Let us know how it goes.
Thank you... Understood now this is not super-active. Thought setting up a Piwigo site would be Piwigo, but apologies if not.
I really did search this subject and could find no specific reference to its resolution... I shall look at and attempt to follow your instruction. Much appreciate your input on this tiny issue!
That instruction changes the menu bar for a single browsing session. I need to get to the CSS to change it and that I shall try and discover.
Zimbandrew wrote:
That instruction changes the menu bar for a single browsing session. I need to get to the CSS to change it and that I shall try and discover.
Keep reading the instruction doc I linked to for the section called "How To : save the changes in my Piwigo". It's all there. It's not a pretty document, but it has everything if you read carefully.
Let us know how it goes.
OK got it... thanks for your wonderful assistance... All working fine now.