
  •  » Engine
  •  » Latest version 11.1.0 no list of incompatible plugins

#1 2021-01-23 17:26:30


Latest version 11.1.0 no list of incompatible plugins


In the first release of "11" there was a list generated of incompatible plugins, I did manage to get one web site up and running but with one other there were just too many incompatible plugins to risk it.

But with 11.1.0 I'm not seeing the list of incompatible plugins so I don't know were we stand with them.

Any chance of getting that list back so we / I can make an educated guess on if to upgrade or not?

Also, the site I did get working on 11. On the plugin page, you have to keep going back and forth to turn on inactive plugins, this is a tad annoying. Once the page for inactive plugins is up, could we keep it up until I / we decide to close it.

Many Thanks - Nigel

Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.14 (Show info) [2021-01-23 09:20:39]
MySQL: 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 [2021-01-23 09:20:39]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.10-23



#2 2021-01-23 17:43:42

St. Pete, FL

Re: Latest version 11.1.0 no list of incompatible plugins

Nigel-Aves wrote:

On the plugin page, you have to keep going back and forth to turn on inactive plugins, this is a tad annoying. Once the page for inactive plugins is up, could we keep it up until I / we decide to close it.

I definitely agree with this. It was a definitely a hassle to have to keep expanding that section to re-enable all the plugins that were disabled by the upgrade.


  •  » Engine
  •  » Latest version 11.1.0 no list of incompatible plugins

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