What a great piece of kit Piwigo is, thank you to everybody that has made this project possible. I love it.
I have one question: What does the storage bar refer to on the dashboard? Mine currently says:
"Other" 89% (899MB)
"Cache" 11% (114MB)
Piwigo is installed on a 500GB disk, with only about 1% of it being used, so I don't get what the storage bar refers to.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Piwigo 11.1.0 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.3.26 (Show info) [2021-01-26 16:52:34]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.4.17-MariaDB-1:10.4.17+maria~bionic-log [2021-01-26 16:52:34]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.0.10-48
Last edited by nickO (2021-01-26 18:12:33)
Hi nickO,
"Other" is for files that are not photos nor videos.
"Cache" is for the _data directory
It's not a "progress bar", because it's always 100% filled. It's more like a "repartition bar", so that you can compare how much your videos cost compare to photos.
Hi there,
Many thanks - Apologies, I meant storage bar, as in the main body of the post - let me correct the title!
OK, so this basically indicates the percentage of different things in terms of everything you have stored?