I was wondering if there is some way to setup piwigo on-premise but utilizing somehow for a backup purpose cloud ie DB + Data (photos).
In case of some failure to be able to simple restore DB + photos from cloud provider back on on-premise or run it using DB + Data pointing to the cloud location.
Any idea here?
thank you
is there some update? thanks
It would be great if such a function existed... I'll keep an eye out for answers in this thread... Thank you all in advance
Last edited by SeanWhite (2021-09-16 12:33:01)
so apparently noone is interested?
Wrong conclusion. Apparently noone knows a one-click solution.
I also don't think it would be Piwigo's job to do backups. The usual procedure is to do a mydsql dump (or use any tool that does) and backup that and all installation and image files to somewhere. There exists very good backup software that backs up to all sort of places and usually also hosting providers provide something that at least creates a snapshot or a .tar file (on one click) you can remote copy elsewhere.
@erAck if there is option that piwigo can use some cloud mysql db saas.. then backup will be on the cloud provider side...
also i thought that to run/restore piwigo DB and some config in terms of "file" / directory are enough for a restore instead of backing up whole "linux/image" ...
I didn't anywhere mention "linux/image". For Piwigo you need to backup its installation files (under piwigo/ or wherever you installed it to) including the upload and galleries directories (or explicitly if they are not subdirectories of your piwigo installation's directory) that hold your photo image files; and the database dump of course.
You could replicate the database on some whatever you call "cloud mysql db saas" and keep it in sync. The MySQL database can reside on any host as long as that is reachable and can be connected to by the web server's PHP as specified in the local/config/database.inc.php file. However, photo image files and database need to be in sync, so just throwing some files backup against some other not matching database likely is not going to work satisfactorily.
@erAck not sure ... but my thinking go a bit further...
1) mysql db - cloud (aws, gcp... )
2) photos - local drive with realtime sync with the cloud (s3, or other cheap cloud storage)
3) piwigo install - vmware / or some other virtualization image (snappshoting for a backup) easily to move between environments.. or directly into the cloud if required
so these steps 1-3 are not documented / made as plugin / or anyone tried to setup such a config?