The journey is nearly over. We're near the final release. This Release Candidate 2 should be the last one. It includes 27 issues fixed. See them in details. Including an old bug with the Community plugin where users were not able to upload photos with the iPhone application since Piwigo 11.
Plugin and theme creators, if you haven't done it already, please make your extension compatible with Piwigo 12. This way, many extensions will be available with Piwigo 12 as soon as it's released, and users will update faster to the latest release.
Download Piwigo 12.0.0RC2
If you want to test but don't have the ability to install it, contact us.
Thanks Pierrick and the team !
I just installed it over my previous beta 12 version.
Without any problem, despite several plugins noted as not compliant.
I still meet the same discomfort with photo batch management which use only 1/3 of the page, and for the geocoding, the map is hardly 10% of the page width. Try to find a place with this ... (I use OSM)
I still haven't found the way to display gpx and video files (avi, mp4, webm). Maybe something to do with obsolete plugins ?
As for the rest of the recent modifications, I am ashamed to confess I do not have enough technical knowledge to notice them.
I am sure the video and gpx issues will find a solution with updated plugins. But for me, the the narrowness of the batch manager page is very disabling.
Yes I know Pierrick, it drives back to v.11x. I just hoped it could be mended with Piwigo 12. Please, think about it.
Well I modified the admin theme css making .permitActionItem 800px instead of 225. It's OK for me as it is now. Do not bother with my request since nobody else is worried about it.
get persistent errors when selecting different pages.
this ex when I press catgory
Warning: Undefined array key "pwg_album_manager_view" in
public_html/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^d9aacd614d73369656f23c3fa8c105992e0c0311_0.file.cat_list.tpl.php on line 57
Is Piwigo 12.0.0RC2 compatible with MySQL 8?
On fresh install with no plugings, when I'm trying to move album I'm getting this error:
[mysql error 1064] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',status, uppercats
FROM piwigo_categories' at line 1
SELECT id,name,rank,status, uppercats
FROM piwigo_categories
#1 my_error /var/www/g/include/dblayer/
#2 pwg_query /var/www/g/include/dblayer/
#3 query2array /var/www/g/admin/cat_move.php(138)
#4 include /var/www/g/admin.php(314)
I'm using Ubuntu Server 21.10 running MySQL 8.0.26-0ubuntu1 and PHP 8.0.8 (cli) on Apache 2.4.48
Marcin wrote:
Is Piwigo 12.0.0RC2 compatible with MySQL 8?
On fresh install with no plugings, when I'm trying to move album I'm getting this error:
[mysql error 1064] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',status, uppercats
FROM piwigo_categories' at line 1
SELECT id,name,rank,status, uppercats
FROM piwigo_categories
#1 my_error /var/www/g/include/dblayer/
#2 pwg_query /var/www/g/include/dblayer/
#3 query2array /var/www/g/admin/cat_move.php(138)
#4 include /var/www/g/admin.php(314)
I'm using Ubuntu Server 21.10 running MySQL 8.0.26-0ubuntu1 and PHP 8.0.8 (cli) on Apache 2.4.48
This is due to 'rank' being a reserved word. I just reported that here:
IamBorg wrote:
get persistent errors when selecting different pages.
this ex when I press catgory
Warning: Undefined array key "pwg_album_manager_view" in
public_html/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^d9aacd614d73369656f23c3fa8c105992e0c0311_0.file.cat_list.tpl.php on line 57
I had the same issue and had to suppress warning messages due to changes in PHP 8. See here: … 25#p181725
Any particular reason Piwigo has so sloppy coding standards? Use backticks.
Zentalquabula wrote:
Any particular reason Piwigo has so sloppy coding standards?
Any particular reason why Mysql decides to turn a word into a reserved word? We can't foresee the future, we have to deal with the present time :-)