RV Menu Tree
any info if this works with 12.x now? It's really an essential plug-in for me.
As soon as anyone con confirm it I will upgrade :-)
Last edited by dummer-esel (2021-12-07 13:04:11)
dummer-esel wrote:
RV Menu Tree
:any info if this works with 12.x now? It's really an essential plug-in for me.
As soon as anyone con confirm it I will upgrade :-)
I doubt anything will happen with that plugin, it seems to be dormant since 2017.
However, I don't see a reason why it should not work if it worked with 11.x; it doesn't seem to be affected by the mandatory 12.x changes.
For me these didn't work .. all kind of error messages if enabled in 12.1.0:
-Contact Form
-Header Manager
-Perso About
-RV sitemap (also not compatible with 11.5 but worked fine)
-Social Buttons
Last edited by matthys (2021-12-08 15:59:39)
In case someone has the same question: I just updated from 11.5 to 12.1 and RV Menu Tree works well :-)