I have asked for help on this topic previously, and my board is still as it was - there but without any images visible.
I have re-started to look at this problem again. I added a new Category [Trout Pools], next I uploaded an image into this category, and it was there! I then uploaded a couple of more images. When I open this category the image titles are shown but there are no images. Move the mouse over the title and the bottom description for that image is shown.
This is how the rest of the board behaves, Image titles and blank spaces for each image.
So, my assumptions are that the image is present, and it would appear to be the same colour as the background, and therefore appears not to be shown. Although each image is taking/occupying real estate space they are invisible! Scroll over an image title and the description appears, which is what you would expect.
So, the board is working except for having invisible images.
I hope you can help me out with this conundrum?
Many thanks
Piwigo 11.5.0 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.0.33 (Show info) [2022-03-12 11:00:50]
MySQL: 5.6.39-log [2022-03-12 11:00:50]
Piwigo URL: https://www.nineoaks-fisheries.co.uk/pi … ategory/37
The referenced images aren't served. On that page for example there's
<img src="_data/i/upload/2021/12/27/20211227200721-67dcfbd8-xs.jpg" ...>
but it can't be obtained, Pointing Firefox to the raw
https://www.nineoaks-fisheries.co.uk/pi … bd8-xs.jpg
for me yields your 404 error page
https://www.nineoaks-fisheries.co.uk/er … ound.shtml
Same with Chromium.
However, wget and curl can obtain that file.
In Firefox inspecting the Network events' headers revealed each image GET yields a 302 Found status code (temporary redirection) with the Location set to your notfound.shtml document. That can't work.
The same btw happens for the error page's https://www.nineoaks-fisheries.co.uk/ge … eft-tn.png and others of jquery.min.js, that again can be obtained by wget and curl.
Check your .htaccess and configs for odd redirections.
thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
I have removed anything to do with "webp" from my .htaccess file and now all images are shown.
Thank you