#1 2022-05-12 01:19:04


out of memory in site_reader_local.php on line 141

Piwigo 12.2.0 - Although this issue has been around for many versions; getting around to finally solving it
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.0.32 (Show info) [2022-05-11 18:16:44]
MySQL: 5.1.72 [2022-05-11 18:16:44]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.2.8
Cache size 14013.81 Mo   calculated 17 hours ago Refresh

Whenever I synchronize I get an 'out of memory' failure in site_reader_local.php on line 141

Dashboard -> Quick Local Synchronization OR
Administration -> Tools -> Synchronize
Quick or full sync yields this:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 75497472) (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /xx/xx/www/main/admin/site_reader_local.php on line 141

phpinfo shows this:

Administration -> Tools -> Maintenance -> PHP: 7.0.32 (Show info) [2022-05-11 15:57:27]
PHP Version    7.0.32
Directive    Local Value    Master Value
memory_limit    2G    2G

I have lived with this behavior for years because the background tasks have always completed the imports. Now I find I am getting double imports and would like to resolve the root cause.

Anyone seen this? Is there another memory_limit I should adjust? What am I missing? Would more information be helpful?



#2 2022-05-12 10:34:57

Only trying to help

Re: out of memory in site_reader_local.php on line 141

I'd first anyway update from the very outdated PHP 7.0 that is EOL since January 2019 already to PHP 7.4 and see if that magically helps. Apart from that, OOM already at 72MB looks odd.
Unrelated, but also MySQL 5.1 and ImageMagick 6.2 are rather ancient versions.

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