I've installed this for Piwigo latest, PHP8, and the admin page is a mess of messages like
Undefined array key "p_nogenerator" in /home/httpd/piwigo/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^cdd279f8219be2e95b2a3862b20de47d2ea02191_0.file.admin.tpl.php
Undefined array key "p_hideabout" in /home/httpd/piwigo/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^cdd279f8219be2e95b2a3862b20de47d2ea02191_0.file.admin.tpl.php on line 217
and so on for every option.
For instance, I think the requirements detection is bust, because the third item in that block is
/home/httpd/piwigo/_data/templates_c/p6jhns^cdd279f8219be2e95b2a3862b20de47d2ea02191_0.file.admin.tpl.php on line 93
fa-ban error"> Extended Description Installed
And that line in the file is
<i class="gd-checkbox fas <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['options']->value['hasED'] == "yes") {?>fa-check-square success<?php } else { ?>fa-ban error<?php }?>"></i>
And I've freshly unpacked the ExtendedDescription plugin .zip file.
I needed to activate it before the error went away.
And a lot of the end user functions are also broken, for instance
<b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "p_pict_descr" in <b>/home/httpd/piwigo/_data/templates_c/wmlhmi_1uwy3cn^e8758dfe802e3003670405ef58ac755927be7b5f_0.file.header.tpl.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
and that file line is
var p_pict_descr = "<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['greydragon']->value['p_pict_descr'];?>
which is set in ../themes/greydragon/template/header.tpl
var p_pict_descr = "{$greydragon.p_pict_descr}";
but expect is missing because this is an album page (e.g. the root of the Piwigo install)
$conf['show_php_errors'] = E_ERROR;
to ../local/config/config.inc.php seems to fix things. Odd.
Rebooted, and now the front end files are busted again...
var p_pict_descr = "<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "p_pict_descr" in <b>/home/httpd/piwigo/_data/templates_c/wmlhmi_1uwy3cn^e8758dfe802e3003670405ef58ac755927be7b5f_0.file.header.tpl.php</b> on line <b>187</b><br />
Changed to both
$conf['show_php_errors'] = 0;
ini_set('display_errors', 0)
and might be fixed? But TBH I've changed a bunch of php.ini and php-fpm related files too to try and set the log level so who knows.
It'll remain a mess and break sometimes till the theme is better coded ?
Something is very wrong with your install as variables you listed should have been set to default values at the minimum when theme or admin is loaded and present in options array
I did enable php 8.1 for my site and did reset theme to default. no errors
could you do me a favor and do two things
* in theme admin - select "Reset Theme to a Default State" and save
* in admin menu - top right corner - select "purge compiled templates"
see if it would fix your issues
Last edited by Serge D (2021-12-29 20:23:35)
Hi Serge, since updating to PIWIGO 12.x I've been having issues with the slideshow on the root page. The page comes up with an error saying that there are no photos in the category. Unless I change the value of the folder to a specific child folder I don't get any images displayed, any ideas?
Serge D wrote:
Something is very wrong with your install as variables you listed should have been set to default values at the minimum when theme or admin is loaded and present in options array
I did enable php 8.1 for my site and did reset theme to default. no errors
could you do me a favor and do two things
* in theme admin - select "Reset Theme to a Default State" and save
* in admin menu - top right corner - select "purge compiled templates"
see if it would fix your issues
Seems sorted, thanks!
cjnoyes wrote:
Hi Serge, since updating to PIWIGO 12.x I've been having issues with the slideshow on the root page. The page comes up with an error saying that there are no photos in the category. Unless I change the value of the folder to a specific child folder I don't get any images displayed, any ideas?
I do not do anything special to slider - it is default logic from additional pages plugin.
Please make sure it is up to date.
Then look at the code for home page in "Additional page" settings and post to plugin author to review.
jnashpiwigo wrote:
jnashpiwigo wrote:
I did find some methods of getting the openstreetmaps working though. One of the issues (after a few fixes/mods) is that it doesn't work well within a modal window... I found a work-around and will share if I can get it working.
At least for Icon With Overlay setting, I got the map to work, but had to add some javascript to it to allow it to size appropriately and refresh the map. (I hacked up the theme.photo.js and picture_tab_ico.tpl and picture_tab_content.tpl to include the 'section' for the map insert and added to the OSMJS javascript as below)
Keep in mind that I just hack up PHP... ;-)
*Also, nothing changed in the OSM plugin...
For picture_tab_ico.tpl
(probably a better way of doing this, but don't want the 'globe' icon to show if there are no GPS coords in the photo)Code:
{if isset($metadata)} {foreach from=$metadata item=meta} {foreach from=$meta.lines item=value key=label} {if $label == "GPSLatitude"} <li class="meta-map {if $ico_mode=="on"} fas fa-globe{/if}{if $def_tab == "map"} active{/if}"{if $ico_mode=="on"} title="{"Map"|@translate}"{/if}>{if $ico_mode=="off"}{"Map"|@translate}{/if}</li> {/if} {/foreach} {/foreach} {/if}For picture_tab_content.tpl
<div id="tab-map" class="image-metadata-tab"> <div id="map-info"> <div id="map"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> {$OSMJS} $(this).on('cbox_complete', function(){ map.invalidateSize(); }); </script>For theme.photo.js - modified the el.colorbox line and added above it
if (metaTag == "map") { var _width = "500px"; var _height = "350px"; } el.colorbox({ inline:true, href: _href, className:"image-metadata-overlay", speed:200, opacity:0.6, width: _width, height: _height });
Is there an easier way to get the OpenStreetMap map (https://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=701) on the photo details page ?
I found commented out code in files like
that seems to work when removed. Is it a case of no good way to detect if the other plugin is on ?
could the admin at least have an option to enable the tab, with a note to install the piwigo-openstreetmap plugin as well ?
I started to review integration but it is not that easy
there are some issues with plugin itself which I need to address.
commented section is not enough as it only shows empty popup.
next I need to figure out proper way to trigger JS logic
Last edited by Serge D (2022-03-10 06:13:04)
version 1.3.8
+ Verified compatibility with PIWIGO 13.x
+ Added detection for Home Page when settings need to be updated.
+ Added removal of home page content when the feature is turned off.
+ Adjusted help for improved full-width CSS
+ TR: Improved translation string to make PIWIGO version reference dynamic
+ HELP: Adjusted Full body width suggestion to reflect current style references