
#1 2022-12-17 10:55:15


Private album settings

Hello everyone,

Can anyone confirm below is the correct way to set up Private albums?
I'm just worried to set it wrong and unwillingly share my data.

- In Admin > Album > Properties set the album to Private
- Go to Album > Manage > Edit > Permissions > Permission granted for users
select yourself and Save Settings to see your own albums in gallery when logged in.

Generating share links:
- In Admin > Photo > Batch Manager
set Who can see photo > Everybody (standard setting)*
- Enable ShareAlbum plugin/extension
- Go to album and click on share button to get a share link

* Especially this point worries me. This looks in contradiction with the wish to have private albums?

Kind regards, tkrr

Last edited by tkrr (2022-12-17 10:56:21)



#2 2022-12-17 14:09:20

Only trying to help

Re: Private album settings

Well then don't use ShareAlbum but assign a different privacy level to photos and have a proper user account login with that privacy level and added to a group with permissions to view that album? ShareAlbum works by creating a temporary user automatically logging in with the generated URI using the Everybody privacy level. You do not want that to have elevated privacy level rights.

Get familiar with the concept of user accounts' privacy levels to view photos and groups' permissions to view albums and that users are members of groups and photos are only associated with one or more albums. Go to the Plugins section and at Take a Tour click on Settings, take the Privacy tour.

And bear in mind that a photo is always accessible by its URI, once that is known to someone they can pass it on (as can be any screenshot of course). Piwigo is not a system to completely hide away photos.

Running Piwigo at



#3 2022-12-17 17:27:19


Re: Private album settings

Hello erAck,

I have taken the privacy tour of the Take A Tour plugin, thanks for your suggestion!
I didn't expect it in the plugins, and even though I browsed it I did not spot.
I still struggle to understand though. I hope you or someone else wants to clarify it for me?

The option of sending a share link for a private album to family and friends is what I want.
I currently have a Flickr account. Photos are set to Friends and Family. Albums are shared with a link that includes all photos marked Friends and Family. I can revoke access.
That is the kind of setup that I want. Most of my contacts won't sign-up to just to view some album(s).

As far as I can see, there is only one solution: the ShareAlbum plugin.
Photos need to be set to 'Who can see: Everyone', then the share button will create a link that works.
It will show the private album for which it was made, no other albums with 'everyone' photos.
The link can be revoked.

Still, photos inside the private albums need to be set to 'Who can see: Everyone'.
How does this impact privacy (if at all) compared to 'Who can see: Admin' photo?
I understand that any guest user that I add and who logs in can see all photos, but apart from that?

Also, is there another way to create a share link that can share photos with different 'Who can see'-setting?
The Private Share-plugin seems to do that, but only for individual files.

Kind regards, tkrr

Last edited by tkrr (2022-12-17 17:36:01)



#4 2022-12-17 21:09:11

Only trying to help

Re: Private album settings

tkrr wrote:

Most of my contacts won't sign-up to just to view some album(s).

They won't have to sign-up. They would have to login though. You'd create a user account, for example family, set a password, and set the account to role Generic so the password can't be changed by a logged-in user, and privacy level may be set to Family as well. That account then add to a family group, which has permissions to view certain private album(s), to which you can associate any photo you like.

As far as I can see, there is only one solution: the ShareAlbum plugin.
Photos need to be set to 'Who can see: Everyone', then the share button will create a link that works.
It will show the private album for which it was made, no other albums with 'everyone' photos.

That is a misconception. It's only a restriction in the UI by initially displaying only that one album without menu. As the ShareAlbum created user is logged in, one can easily change the URI in the browser's URL field to the gallery's homepage and browse further content of public albums with that logged-in user. If that user would have elevated Family or Friends privacy level it would be able to see also images of that level in publicly accessible albums. Which is why I said you don't want that elevated level for such ShareAlbum user. If you only have Everybody images anyway then it doesn't matter.

The link can be revoked.

With a dedicated user account you could reset the password for all or delete the account. Or use several user accounts assigned to the same group and delete an individual account, which has the same effect as revoking a link.

Still, photos inside the private albums need to be set to 'Who can see: Everyone'.
How does this impact privacy (if at all) compared to 'Who can see: Admin' photo?
I understand that any guest user that I add and who logs in can see all photos, but apart from that?

If those photos are only in private albums that only specific groups can visit it doesn't matter, but if they were also associated with public albums it would.

Also, is there another way to create a share link that can share photos with different 'Who can see'-setting?
The Private Share-plugin seems to do that, but only for individual files.

Not to my knowledge.

So, if you're happy with setting the images' privacy level to Everybody then go with ShareAlbum, if not then use dedicated accounts.

Running Piwigo at



#5 2022-12-19 06:34:26


Re: Private album settings

Hello erAck,

I think I understand the options now for sharing Private Albums.
To explain in detail for everyone who is also looking for the right settings:

1. Sharing through ShareAlbum
- Install ShareAlbum plugin
- In Admin > Photos > Batch Manage, set photos to Who can see? Everyone (keep Album private!)
(also accessible from Admin > Albums > Manage > Edit > Manage Album Photos)
- In Gallery, click Share button to create link to send to people via mail/app

Pro: easy
Con: people can access all your public albums with this one link. Private albums not (even if Who can see? Everyone)
If you want to revoke access for a ShareAlbum link, you have to revoke the whole link for all people you sent it to.

2. Create Users who get a login to your gallery
Under Admin > Users > Manage:
- Create a User, activate the 'Send connection settings by email' box
- Edit the User: Status to Generic, Privacy Level to Family.
Under Admin > Users > Groups:
- Create a group Permanent-Login
- Under Manage the Members: add the User.
- Under Permissions: Existing albums can be added (you may need to adjust privacy level of photos)
Under Admin > Users > Notification > Subscribe:
- Add the user to Subscribed
Under Admin > Albums > Manage > Add Album:
- Create a new Album
- Permission: private
- Set photos to Who can see? Family

Pro: fine-grained control over who has access
If you want to revoke access for a User Generic, you simply delete that User Generic or delete that user from the Group
Con: more work to set up
This is ideal for the close circle who need access longer

I asked:

Also, is there another way to create a share link that can share photos with different 'Who can see'-setting?
    The Private Share-plugin seems to do that, but only for individual files.

Not to my knowledge.

Yes, there is! This option lets you send a link to photos with a different 'Who can see?'

3. Create User who only gets temporary (3-day) link to an Album

Under Admin > Users > Manage:
- Create a User, keep 'Send connection settings by email' unchecked! (password is created but not emailed)
[Note: I use an alias email that I have myself for maximum control. I can send link from normal mail]
- Edit the User: Status to Generic, Privacy Level Friends.
Under Admin > Users > Groups:
- Create a group Guest-Passes
- Under Manage the Members: add the User.
- Under Permissions: Only latest album [Note: delete this after expiry guest pass!]
Under Admin > Users > Notification > Subscribe:
- Add the user to Subscribed
Under Admin > Albums > Manage > Add Album:
- Create a new Album
- Permission: private
- Set photos to Who can see? Friends [Note: after expiry guest pass, set back to Family!]
- Notification: from here you can send an email to group Guest-Pass with automatic authentication key on links, valid for 3 days!

Pro: fine-grained control over who has access
If you want to revoke access for a User Generic, you simply delete that User Generic or delete that user from the Group
Con: more work to set up

For close family, I will use option 2+3
For everyone else, I will use option 3

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards, tkrr

Last edited by tkrr (2022-12-19 07:49:58)



#6 2022-12-19 16:38:28

Only trying to help

Re: Private album settings

Great find! That album notification with authkey totally slipped my attention.

Running Piwigo at



#7 2022-12-19 22:43:15


Re: Private album settings

Yes, and together with a longer validity (which can be set by Support for customers) it, I think, can replace the Flickr Guest Pass, if I set Users and assign the correct rights.



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