I use self-hosted piwigo for some years (i like it) with videojs extension. But this videojs extension is... pretty old. Because of that it lacks support of newer compression. For example there is issue about h265 support from 2016... :( And there is h265, h266, vp9, av1...
[Github] piwigo-videojs issue #101
If you want to have videos beside of photos now, you can:
1. Produce videos with h264 codec. It's pretty supported, but it's very old (first published 2004) and bad image quality for now. You have to use big bitrate and/or accept that the picture quality will be terrible today, let alone in a few years.
2. Produce videos with h264 for Piwigo and then produce another with better compression for archive. Have two (big) files per video. And change (reupload) files somewhere in future.
3. Have videos somewhere else than Piwigo. Which is not conducive to order and user experience (parents!), there are problems with permissions, etc.
My question: is there a way to make Piwigo usefull for videos again? If not, is there a developers willing to create something more modern?
I did some tests and found that video playback is not dependent on the video plugin, but on browser support. h265 is not supported by any browser I tried, but newer codecs are better. So I will produce videos with av1/aac. Supposedly Apple has a problem with it, but I have nothing like that and hopefully they will add support.
Anyway, the latest "release" of the videojs plugin is from 2018...
Great job
I fully agree with you, it needs updates
issue encountered on my side: white screen on mobile phone when video is played
Kind regards
Native video support, specifically the modern AV1 format, would be great!
I'm considering switching to Piwigo with my gallery, but the poor video support is putting me off.
And now we still need the right people to read this thread, reply and start working on it. :D
Native = without Piwigo plugin? Because AV1 works in Piwigo, but you must have browser with AV1 support.
I agree. I would like to see piwigo improve video support. I have the videoJS plugin working. Thanks for that. To get it working took hours of trouble shooting. It is still awkward. I noticed with the new android piwigo NG app the videos I struggled so long to get working on a browser are sized wrong in the app.