I'm looking to switch to a self-hosted install of Piwigo from Google Photos. I have an iPhone, so I'd like to include my video files in Piwigo which are .mov files. I noticed the inability to upload MOVs and possible incompatibility; is there any way to enable support for MOV video files? Is this something that may be supported in the future?
Thank you for any guidance!
- Jon
Piwigo 11.5.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.3.27-1~deb10u1 (Show info) [2021-06-01 17:10:58]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 [2021-06-01 17:10:58]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23
Piwigo URL: local
This worked, thank you! I found a handy Command Prompt command to do this in bulk...
(ren *.mov *.mp4)
Glad to be on board using Piwigo in place of Google Photos.
Zentalquabula wrote:
Just rename them to .mp4
Attention with extension changes…
The video container remains a .MOV one and the pseudo .MP4 files won't be opened by video players not supporting .MOV files. This is why the Piwigo iOS app converts .MOV files before uploading them to a Piwigo server.
cryopad wrote:
This is why the Piwigo iOS app converts .MOV files before uploading them to a Piwigo server.
Would it be possible to include that directly into Piwigo?
It’s really annoying that iPhone users can’t upload their videos plug-and-play to Piwigo because, like you said, renaming isn’t a clean solution.
It looks like FFMPEG supports that.
Last edited by Piwigoo (2021-09-26 14:22:02)
Just transcode the MOV to a more compatible MOV file, or simply convert MOV to MP4 with a video converter like WinX Video Converter.
Last edited by John Laker (2022-03-23 04:20:20)
When you upload from a PC you have all this possibilities, but my problem is that the iPhone Videos are stored as MOV. And I haven’t found a converter for iPhone yet, apart from web converters.
The iPhone app solves the problem by converting MOV to MP4, but everybody needs the app…
Maybe you need to use additional software in order to open this file
Last edited by Giaryaiti (2023-04-11 10:27:02)
Unless you exploit specific properties of the QuickTime file format later, uploading .MOV files to a Piwigo is a bad idea because this is not an international standard and most visitors won't be able to play them from your Piwigo.
Piwigoo wrote:
The iPhone app solves the problem by converting MOV to MP4, but everybody needs the app…
Why is it problematic to use the free iOS app which does the job transparently for you?
I convert .MOV to .mp4 using vlc before uploading to piwigo
The size of the file is considerably reduced
Kind regards
example :
IMG_2989.MOV ---> 118 413 234 bytes
IMG_2989.mp4 ---> 36 079 528 bytes
Factor 3.2
Last edited by Phil35 (2023-04-12 18:51:18)