Hello @plg
I am also having a similar problem. The heic files upload just fine but the preview is missing but I am not seeing the convert command being called in the logs
Enviroment details:
Piwigo 14.0.0
Installed on 10 November 2023, 1 month 2 weeks 4 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19 (Show info) [2023-12-29 00:03:58]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.3.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 [2023-12-29 00:03:58]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23
Cache size N/A
From the logs:
[2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync uploaded ./upload/buffer/ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c-u1-002of002.chunk [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync all chunks are not uploaded yet, maybe on next chunk, exit for now [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync uploaded ./upload/buffer/ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c-u1-001of002.chunk [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c 2 chunks available, try now to get lock for merging [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync lock obtained to merge chunks [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync original_sum=ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c, chunk 1/2 merged [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync original_sum=ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c, chunk 2/2 merged [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync merged file ./upload/buffer/ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c-u1.merged saved [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync ./upload/buffer/ea94d950e3121d6b8d7e98cb2680554c-u1.merged MD5 checksum OK [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_pdf, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_heic, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_tiff, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_video, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_psd, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] upload_file_eps, $file_path = ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic, $representative_ext = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] Handling ././upload/2023/12/28/20231228233933-ea94d950.heic got [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [INFO] add_uploaded_file : force cache generation, derivative_url = [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] ws_images_uploadAsync image_id after add_uploaded_file = 229 [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] empty_lounge, exec=B2GP, begins [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] empty_lounge, exec=B2GP wins the race and gets the token! [2023-12-28 23:39:33] [DEBUG] empty_lounge, exec=B2GP, ends
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advanced!
My server configuration is:
Piwigo 14.1.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.0.30
MySQL: 10.6.16-MariaDB-1:10.6.16+maria~deb11-log
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.9.11-60
and I have added the below line in the local configuration file with LocalFiles Editor to manage HEIC files:
$conf['graphics_library'] = 'ext_imagick';
NB: To check if your version 6 of ImageMagick manages HEIC files, use the command:
convert -list format | grep HEIC
Last edited by cryopad (2023-12-30 16:29:45)
I added the code to the local config file but after adding it the graphics library changed to something else.
I have now installed ImageMagick. The initial install of ImageMagick version was below version 6.9.11 so I upgraded it thinking that was the reason why it wasnt managing HEIC files and Piwigo is now using
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 7.1.1-26
It seems that ImageMagick needs libheif and libde265 to manage HEIC files. I am in the process of trying to get ImageMagick to work with libheif and libde265 but I am running into a couple of issues. I just wanted to check to see if this is the correct path and if not could someone point me in the correct direction
I got it working! =D
I dont think I was installing libheif and libde265 correctly but these commands worked for me
sed -Ei 's/^# deb-src /deb-src /' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool git-core cmake apt-get build-dep imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libde265 libheif cd /usr/src/ git clone https://github.com/strukturag/libde265.git git clone https://github.com/strukturag/libheif.git cd libde265/ ./autogen.sh ./configure make -j$(nproc) make install cd /usr/src/libheif/ mkdir build cd build cmake --preset=release .. make -j$(nproc) make install cd /usr/src/ git clone https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick.git tar xf ImageMagick.tar.gz cd ImageMagick-7* ./configure --with-heic=yes make -j$(nproc) make install ldconfig
nickpg wrote:
I got it working! =D
Nickel !
confirmed this works well for new uploads.
Now how do I fix this problem for HEIC files I already uploaded to the piwigo server?
Piwigo 14.2.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.19 (Show info) [2024-02-13 21:09:51]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.3.39-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 [2024-02-13 21:09:51]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 7.1.1-28
Last edited by truckerboy18 (2024-02-14 03:11:32)