I am working my way through the administration of albums and folders in Piwigo.
When using the batch manager for images, having selected the images to work on, if I click on 'rotate', instead of being able to enter the required angle (which I assume is what is intended) I get the following message: Warning: Undefine array key"saved_angle"
The message itself is much longer than that but so long, in fact, that it runs off my screen and I am unable to copy it.
Thank you,
Richard Ball
Piwigo 14.2.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 8 February 2024, 1 week 3 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.1.27 (Show info) [2024-02-18 11:33:01]
MySQL: 5.7.44 [2024-02-18 13:33:01]
Graphics Library: GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
Activated plugin list6
Admin Tools
LocalFiles Editor
Physical Photo Move
Rotate Image
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As these are "only" warnings, you can suppress them in Local Files Editor:
$conf['show_php_errors'] = E_ALL & ~E_WARNING;
and hope, someone fixes it.
Thank you gueba
I have ow, as suggested, eliminated the PHP warning and now get the correct button to rotate but when I do this only the thumbnail is rotated, not the other sized images nor the original.
Is there some way to rotate the original and all of it's resizes?
I have imported the images from a Gallery Menalto installation and quite a lot of the images are incorrectly rotated.
Thank you,
Hi :-)
@RichardB you use a plugin rotate image ?
complet message error please i don't see "saved_angle" in code