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Getting please update to 14.4 but then no option to do so when I login.
When I look at the updates page I see
Piwigo core
Currently running version 14.1.0
You are running Piwigo latest version.
Is there a way of forcing the update?
As always assistance appreciated.
Piwigo 14.1.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 22 July 2023, 9 months 3 weeks 1 day ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.1.33 (Show info) [2024-05-13 10:14:00]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.4.31-MariaDB-log [2024-05-13 10:14:00]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.1.1-29
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
Piwigo URL:
That's odd indeed.. to check what's actually evaluated there, temporarily place this PHP snippet somewhere in your web server's document root with any name, adjust the YourPiwigoInstallation root path and point your browser to it:
<?php // Change root path to your Piwigo installation, note the trailing / slash is needed. define('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH', '/YourPiwigoInstallation/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'local/config/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); function lf() { echo "<br>"; } // Basically what's in admin/maintenance_env.php check_upgrade, with messages adjusted: if (!fetchRemote(PHPWG_URL.'/download/latest_version', $result)) { echo "Can not fetch."; lf(); } else { print_r($result); lf(); $versions = array('current' => PHPWG_VERSION); $lines = @explode("\r\n", $result); // if the current version is a BSF (development branch) build, we check // the first line, for stable versions, we check the second line if (preg_match('/^BSF/', $versions['current'])) { $versions['latest'] = trim($lines[0]); // because integer are limited to 4,294,967,296 we need to split BSF // versions in date.time foreach ($versions as $key => $value) { $versions[$key] = preg_replace('/BSF_(\d{8})(\d{4})/', '$1.$2', $value); } } else { $versions['latest'] = trim($lines[1]); } if ('' == $versions['latest']) { echo "No latest."; lf(); } // concatenation needed to avoid automatic transformation by release // script generator else if ('%'.'PWGVERSION'.'%' == $versions['current']) { echo "Dev sources."; lf(); } else if (version_compare($versions['current'], $versions['latest']) < 0) { echo "New version available."; lf(); } else { echo "Running latest."; lf(); } echo "Current: ".$versions['current']; lf(); echo "Latest: ".$versions['latest']; lf(); } lf(); ?>
Do I save the file as something.php or htm?
And then point the browser at that file?
so I called it snippet.php uploaded it to the route of the piwigo and pointed the browser at that file, and I get is currently unable to handle this request.
Well, did you replace YourPiwigoInstallation with the full path to your Piwigo installation, as indicated?
I have now replaced YourPiwigoInstallation with
BTBCpiwigo which is where it lives, still get the same error
BTBCpiwigo certainly is not the complete absolute file path of your installation. It might be /var/www/html/BTBCpiwigo/ or whatever, but only you can know, if you don't then your hosting provider should.
Is there anywhere within Piwigo admin I can find YourPiwigoInstallation, because I am at a bit of a loss.
This is not a question of piwigo but of the type of installation you have:
- If you host your piwigo using a subdomain, e.g. h**ps://myp*****, then this would be the correct setting: define('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH', './'); (at least this is how it works for me)
- If you have installed it in some folder of your main domain (e.g. h**ps://www.digitogra*****hotos) then this foldername behind the domain should be used: define('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH', '/myphotos/'); .
You can also have a look into any of the .php files in the piwigo installation. They contain this definition of PHPWG_ROOT_PATH at the very beginning. Copy & paste it into that something.php file.
Last edited by ddtddt (2024-05-18 06:54:26)
OK got it.
The output from the file is
BSF_200511080019 14.4.0
New version available.
Current: 14.1.0
Latest: 14.4.0
So it needs to be updated, but don't get the option?
Thanks again for all your help with this.
Yeah right, I should had noticed you placed the file in your Piwigo directory and for that ./ is sufficient, sorry, my bad. My intention was to not fiddle with any existing installation path.
Anyway, the result confirms some discrepancy. Where you got "New version available." from the snippet, your installation says "You are running Piwigo latest version." instead. Does the same happen when clicking "Check for upgrade" in the Tools -> Maintenance -> Environment tab?
However, dumb question, are you sure you are logged in with a Piwigo account that has the Webmaster role, not just Admin? Only the webmaster role has permission to upgrade.
When I open
Tools -> Maintenance -> Environment tab?
I see
"A new version of Piwigo is available.
Update to Piwigo 14.4.0"
When I click on update, nothing actually happens.
And I get
"Currently running version 14.1.0
You are running Piwigo latest version."
As to the account, it is the same account I have used since installation, and all upgrades have been successful. I have 3 other piwigo installations on different URLs, but using the same web server and they have all upgraded fine.
No idea why this would not upgrade.
However logged in this morning, went to Tools > Maintenance
Environment tab
Clicked on check for upgrade, and it gave the option to upgrade.
No Idea, nothing has changed, no new files uploaded, yet now it works!!!
Thanks to all who offered help.
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