
#1 2024-05-21 23:58:04


Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0


I use Piwigo to archive my personal photos, I'm not an experienced user otherwise.  My hosting provider notified me that PHP 8.0 support was going to cost me monthly.  I was running an older version of Piwigo and my upgrade options allowed me to skip directly to 14.4.0 so I did.  I then changed my hosting PHP to upgrade to 8.2.

I couldn't find anything clearly indicating full support for PHP 8.x so maybe that's part of the problem.  Many albums come up OK, but many don't.  Every time I open the Synchronization page it shows checksums missing, and after that's complete I try Synchronization with simulation but it doesn't seem to do anything.  I tried without simulation and that didn't seem to do anything either.

I did get some error messages along the way, I resolved the issue #2150/2160 by manually applying the change but I still have others.

Is using PHP 8.2 the problem?  Should I blow everything away and start over?  Other suggestions?

Thanks.  I must say that prior upgrades (there have been many since I first started with Piwigo) never experienced any problems.



#2 2024-05-22 08:13:31

Only trying to help

Re: Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0

There may be still some quirks with Piwigo or extension plugins on PHP 8.2, try PHP 8.1 instead. It's security supported until 2025-12-31.

Running Piwigo at



#3 2024-05-22 21:56:31


Re: Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0

I decided to first roll my PHP back to 7.2 (since I know I did use this before and support is available for free) and went into maintenance to do some checks.  First ran 'Reinitialize integrity check' with no problem, then 'Repair and optimize database' with no problem, and finally 'Update photo information'.  This fails.  Snippet of output below:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1229 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1230 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1231 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1232 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1234 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1236 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1237 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1239 in on line 1313

Notice: Undefined offset: 1241 in on line 1313
this continues thru offset 1576 followed by

(can't read off screen) eader information - headers already sent by (output started at in on line 99

I'm thinking something got seriously messed up with the Piwigo upgrade followed by the PHP.  I'll wait a couple of days for other ideas.  Unless I hear otherwise I'll probably just remove my install and start fresh because I have over 800 albums/sub albums and probably over 100k images.



#4 2024-05-22 22:53:41

Only trying to help

Re: Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0

PHP 7.2 is a bad idea anyway, it's EOL for years.

Running Piwigo at



#5 2024-05-23 03:14:04


Re: Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0

OK so I moved my install to a temporary directory and started a fresh 14.4.0 install with PHP 8.1 selected.  Patched issue #2150 and then connected.  Copied my existing pictures from the temporary directory to the fresh install directory and then started a synchronize.  Probably a bad idea with how large my fileset is because it might exceed the run time I'm allotted for a process - the page just generated a failed to respond error message.

So then I go back to my website and login and I'm starting to see some of the albums and images (not all).

I try to go to the admin tab and this happens:  (sanitized for my security)

Fatal error: Uncaught DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero in^435f5e76ce6504615a6fe2ac3aa2f0e9903f0733_0.file.intro.tpl.php:504 Stack trace: #0 content_664e944ae28260_37110051() #1 Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode() #2 Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() #3 Smarty_Internal_Template->render() #4 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute() #5 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch() #6 Template->parse() #7 Template->assign_var_from_handle() #8 include('.........') #9 {main} thrown in^435f5e76ce6504615a6fe2ac3aa2f0e9903f0733_0.file.intro.tpl.php on line 504

If I go back to the website entry point I can see some of the albums and images and I'm logged in, but I can't access the admin tab - it crashes the same way every time.



#6 2024-05-23 20:15:38

Only trying to help

Re: Upgrade issues going to 14.4.0

Searching the forum for DivisionByZeroError reveals a topic of which [Forum, post 188544 by erAck in topic 33290] Cannot view admin after first synchronization. Getting an error. might help.

Running Piwigo at



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