I upgraded from 14.1 to 14.4 and find that there are no CSS/themes. I also see language problems like:
[05-Jul-2024 15:30:21 Asia/Kolkata] PHP Warning: [l10n] language key "System" not defined in C:\Piwigo\include\functions.inc.php on line 1260
Please help.
Piwigo 14.4.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 10 October 2019, 4 years 8 months 3 weeks 4 days ago
Operating system: WINNT
PHP: 8.2.21 (Show info) [2024-07-05 16:10:13]
MySQL: 8.0.38 [2024-07-05 16:10:13]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick 7.1.1-34
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
Activated plugin list 5
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I upgraded to the latest 15.0 beta 1 and it did not help.
I did some more digging and in the Firefox debugger, I see the following warning/errors:
The stylesheet https://URL/_data/combined/s68jpd.css was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/html”, is not “text/css”. picture.php
The script from “https://URL/_data/combined/3cfsh1.js” was loaded even though its MIME type (“text/html”) is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
Could this be causing this?
Please help.
Just in case this helps others:
The solution was to add the following to your httpd.conf (my webserver was apache)
<Files "*.css">
Header set Content-type "text/css"
<Files "*.js">
Header set Content-type "application/javascript"
I don't know what changed, but maybe my browser started being strict on not interpreting text/html responses for .css extensions. I had to add this header by force to make it work properly. Is this a piwigo problem or something that piwigo stopped doing recently?