Let me start by pointing out that I'm a newbee regarding Piwigo.
My desire is to create a site that can be used by a specific group of users (no need for more than one such group) to share photos. In that, those users must login and create their own albums (e.g., support for sub-albums appears very desirable) to which they upload photos (e.g. likely a set of pictures from a particular photo shoot). Any of the users in that group should be able to download any of the albums/pictures (could be any album/picture on the website).
As best I can tell Piwigo may not intend to support downloading. Maybe there is some kind of Plugin that adds such capability.
Would appreciate some help from those with more knowledge/experience of/with Piwigo.
Piwigo 15.3.0 Check for upgrade
Installed on 23 July 2024, 5 months 3 weeks 2 days ago
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 8.0.30 (Show info) [2025-01-15 08:49:34]
MySQL: 5.7.23-23 [2025-01-15 08:49:34]
Graphics Library: ImageMagick ImageMagick 6.9.10-68
Cache size N/A never calculated Refresh
Piwigo URL: http://photos.pinbox.org
Last edited by ajax (2025-01-15 17:19:54)
Looks like I failed to mention that I do have the "Community" plugin installed and running. I think this is what allows ordinary (i.e., non-administrator) users to login and upload photos to albums that they can also create. However, while I have successfully tested for that upload capability I have not yet figured out how those users can download albums and/or photos (i.e., image files). This especially includes photos and maybe albums created by their peers (i.e., other non-administrator users).
Last edited by ajax (2025-01-16 17:59:55)
Thanks for help identifying applicable plugin.
Yes, the Batch Downloader plugin does make download possible. However, my initial experiment found that I could not specify where the resulting archive (.zip) file would be placed on my computer. This caused me to look for some kind of settings that affect this behavior. While I did find quite a few configuration options, none were helpful for this problem. This led me to look for some documentation specific to the Batch Downloader plugin. Based on what I was able to find it looks like documentation is not something that exists for most if not all plugins.
I find both idea that download placement is predetermined as well as the complete absence of documentation for plugins somewhat surprising. Is there something I am missing.
Without having run that plugin, typically download location is a setting in your browser. I am new to Piwigo so there may be something I'm missing - but I expect this is it.
Ajax, I have the batch downlader plugin installed on my site and I can choose where the zip file will be saved : Firefox opens a popup window with a proposal to save it in the last folder I have used , I can choose the proposed location or change it, then click on OK. Try to modify the settings of your browser or change for an other one more easy to use.
Sorry about taking so long to reply but it has been a busy week for me.
Yes, it does look like this was probably attributable to the browser. Thanks for calling my attention to that. This is something I simply never came to experience. My preferred browser is Firefox and it must default to asking where downloads should be located which is how I like it. However, when testing I often use multiple browsers so that I can be logged in as both administrator and ordinary user. While I seldom use Opera it is installed on the computer I use for most photo processing because it still work on Windows 7. I had to get down in the weeds but did find that there is a default setting for downloads that bypasses asking where they should be placed. When changed it works as I prefer and requests file location.