I had some problems with some comments of my visitors, so i've decided to restrict the acces to the comments. Now they have to be members to post comments.
But if sometime i have to ban one, it's very easy to him to register under another name or anything.
It will be a good thing in a future version to had an IP ban control etc, to give more security to the admin ^^
It's only an idea, but i think it will be good ^^ (or if they're a way to do the approximative same thing under version 1.3, can someone tell me? Thankx)
this is really a functionnality of a forum software, while users comments are only a functionnality of PhpWebGallery. I mean PhpWebGallery is not a complete definitive web software.
Concerning your problem, change the access mode to your gallery : from "free" to "restricted", if you don't want anybody to post comments.
Ip ban isn't very usefull because you change your ip each time you connect
try this
<?php /* Title: Proxy Detection Version: v2.0 Description: This will detect any suspicious open socket that the user is running and if found in an array, it will not let the user proceed to the website, and the ability to allow certain hosts to pass the scan. Author: Jonathan Anders geminii@citcom.net http://www.unixcon.net/~datalogik/scripts/ Usage: Just include this page in any webpage you want protected. Notes: If you like this code and use it, I would like to inform you of a much larger project that I am working on named 'phpPPS - Protection Suite' which uses the same concept but in a much larger, multiple-user oriented way. */ /* Modify these next few lines to whatever you like. */ $Ports = array('1080', '8080', '8000', '3128', '8888', '23', '80', '8081'); // To hold the list of ports. $AllowedHosts = array('localhost', 'allowedhost.com'); // To hold the list of allowed hosts. $DisallowedHosts = array('', 'something.msn'); // To hold the list of disallowed hosts. $Redirect = "http://www.yahoo.com"; // Redirect page $SocketTimeout = 1; // Higher the number, the longer it takes. /* End of modification. */ if ((!in_array ($REMOTE_ADDR, $AllowedHosts)) && (!in_array ($REMOTE_ADDR, $DisallowedHosts))) { $x = 1; while ($Ports[$x]) { $fSockPointer = fsockopen($REMOTE_ADDR, $Ports[$x], $errno, $errstr, $SocketTimeout); if ($fSockPointer) { header ("Location: $Redirect"); fclose($fSockPointer); } $x++; } } else { if (in_array ($REMOTE_ADDR, $AllowedHosts)) { die(); } else { header ("Location: $Redirect"); die(); } } ?>
From my point of view, if you want advanced functionnalities in user management, you need to use a separate script (like forum or portal ones)
It will be far more secure and you are sure that someone before you just encounter the same problem and that he found a way to solve it.