Hey all -
I'm having an issue with my installation of Piwigo. It appears to be a long running JavaScript AJAX commands. Please see the screenshot. It appears the actual transfer from the webserver is rather quick but the requests that include ?ajaxload=true are the problem entries.
Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.3 (Show info) [2020-06-16 21:31:32]
MySQL: 10.2.31-MariaDB-log [2020-06-16 21:31:32]
Graphics Library: External ImageMagick 6.7.8-9
Link to Piwigo Installation: https://g.tkrn.io
The only occurrences of ajaxload I see in the source code is when derivatives are to be retrieved. May it be that it happens only if derivatives or thumbnails of an album in a specific size are not cached already and that it takes longer the more images are in an album?
erAck - Thanks for the nugget of direction. I installed Batch Manager and did a batch generation on a size thumbnail that wasn't standard. This has resolved the issue. It must have been generating those thumbnails sizes (e520) on the fly. All resolved now. Thanks!