I just upgraded 12.2.0 on another test-machine and the plugins section is not working well.
Seems I'm not able to enable/disable or delete them via the Admin theme.
However I am able to upgrade them (if newer version was available).
Under Maintenance, Environment the Activated plugin list is loading and nothing happens:
I thought this would be an access right issue but checked the plugins folder and was set correctly.
I also did this for the admin folder as I was not sure if settings where kept there as well...
Any clue where to look for this?
Piwigo 12.2.0
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.3 (Show info) [2022-03-30 20:34:06]
MySQL: 8.0.28-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 [2022-03-30 20:34:06]
Graphics Library: GD 2.2.5
Open the web console and its tab "network". You will see the XHR request on ws.php?format=json&method=pwg.plugins.getList : click on it and see what is the response from the server.
If I do that the results is the list of Plugins in the database.
{"stat":"ok","result":[{"id":"About1menu","name":"About 1 menu","version":"12.0.a","state":"active","description":"Add About as menu level 1"},{"id":"AdminTools","name":"Admin Tools","version":"12.2.0","state":"inactive","description":"Do some admin task from the public pages"},{"id":"Contact1menu","name":"Contact 1 menu","version":"12.0.a","state":"inactive","description":"Add Contact as menu level 1 \/ ContactForm plugin must be installed"},{"id":"ContactForm","name":"Contact Form","version":"2.8.1","state":"uninstalled","description":"Add a "Contact" item in the Menu block to offer a contact form to users"},{"id":"exif_view","name":"Exif View","version":"12.a","state":"active","description":"Converts EXIF values to human readable localized values. Corresponds to EXIF specification 2.2, details in http:\/\/www.exif.org. Easily extensible."},{"id":"header_manager","name":"Header Manager","version":"1.2.1","state":"active","description":"Header Manager allows to simply manage gallery banners. You can upload a picture from your computer or use a picture already in the gallery."},{"id":"language_switch","name":"Language Switch","version":"12.2.0","state":"uninstalled","description":"Switch to another language using the flags on your gallery home page."},{"id":"LocalFilesEditor","name":"LocalFiles Editor","version":"12.2.0","state":"active","description":"Edit local files from administration panel."},{"id":"no_stats_for_robots","name":"No Stats For Robots","version":"2.10.a","state":"active","description":"Do not log visits from search engine robots (history and hits)"},{"id":"PersoAbout","name":"Perso About","version":"12.0.a","state":"active","description":"Add bloc perso on about page"},{"id":"ReCaptcha","name":"ReCaptcha for Piwigo","version":"1.0.0","state":"uninstalled","description":"Google V2 ReCaptcha for Piwigo contact form."},{"id":"rv_sitemap","name":"RV sitemap","version":"2.9.a","state":"active","description":"Creates a sitemap for your gallery. Sitemaps are used to inform search engines about pages that are available for crawling."},{"id":"Statistics","name":"Statistics","version":"11.0.a","state":"active","description":"Add source code like Google Analytics on each page."},{"id":"tag_recognition","name":"Tag Recognition","version":"1","state":"uninstalled","description":"Suggest tags related to an image with a external image recognition API"}]}
However if I install a plugin which is not in database, it does install and can 'see' it in the Admin Plugins but it's NOT in the database ... Access rights to database is correct as it can access and read and the user has full access right...
Maybe I should do a new install, but want to keep database with photos....
PS .. I also check the database on the upgrade and do not see 12.2.0 mentioned, only to 11.5.0:
SELECT * FROM `piwigo_upgrade` ORDER BY `applied` DESC
id applied description
161 2022-03-30 13:18:38 remove doubled activities on tag addition
162 2022-03-30 13:18:38 change activity.performed_by for logout
160 2022-03-30 13:18:38 add lounge table
159 2021-07-01 12:01:10 [migration from 2.10.0 to 11.5.0, 0.190 s] add ind...
Okay, I downloaded the Piwigo 12.2.0 version and on my server removed all folders in the home EXCEPT _data, local and upload. Then I copied the clean Piwigo and it works, even the Extended Template menu is there ... very strange (for me). I did have to install the plugins again (you can 'see' them in other but you cannot delete them, only after installing), as they still give error as they are in database but not in folder.
@matthys, @plg
I think that there is something wrong with the plugin installation and activation processes in the newest Piwigo. I worked on a fresh instance of Piwigo for a moment and I found that even four plugins delivered with the bundle did not appear in the database after setup, hence could not be activated. When I "installed" a new plugin (eg. Additional Pages) it did not appear in the database either and could not be activated.
Actually there is another thread here:
--- Plugin page doesn't work - Can't activate or deactivate plugins ---
reporting the problem but there is no solution yet.
Edited because of misspelled user name.
Last edited by MartaW (2022-04-03 17:53:46)
MartaW wrote:
I think that there is something wrong with the plugin installation and activation processes in the newest Piwigo.
I agree, as I first tried to install a new plugin, folder is there but not in database :-(
But if all is working fine, than no problems. So what is preventing this and/or causing this behaviour?
I suspect some clean-up not done ....
Last edited by matthys (2022-04-03 10:37:23)
I suspect that it is something environment-related.
I am actually surprised that there is only a few reports of bad behavior (here and on GitHub).
My maintenance page says now:
Piwigo 2.10.2 Check for upgrade
Operating system: Linux
PHP: 7.4.28 (Show info) [2022-04-03 10:48:17]
MySQL: 5.7.37 [2022-04-03 10:48:17]
Graphics Library: GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
And I add Apache 2.4.53 to the mix.
Plus the fact that I do not host it myself so I cannot vouch for every server setting.
But I also gave a try to Piwgo 11.something and it was no joy either
(perhaps i should mention that I am new to Piwigo but not new to investigating data, objects and codes).
So now I am a happy user of 2.10.2 and it works for me for now.
If the problem is environment-related and elusive than the Piwigo team cannot reproduce it easily so I do not hope for swift diagnosis.
Well, I did to a upgrade from 11.5.0 to 12.2.0 on a Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS server ...
I do see that I use MySQL 8 and you MySQL 5.7 but that should be no problem.
I am afraid that I have some bad news:
my problem is most certainly environment-related.
In the past one hour I installed XAMPP for Windows on my Win10 box.
I started it and created my piwigo sql database (and user).
I downloaded piwigo-12.2.0.zip and installed it following https://piwigo.org/guides/install/manual
(there was one minor warning but otherwise all went good).
I used phpMyAdmin to inspect the 'piwigo_plugins' table and saw all four default plugins there.
I activated them without a hiccup. I installed and activated two more plugins. And it works!
My localhost Piwigo maintenance page says:
Piwigo 12.2.0 Check for upgrade
Operating system: WINNT
PHP: 7.4.28 (Show info) [2022-04-03 17:14:00]
MySQL: 5.5.5-10.4.24-MariaDB [2022-04-03 17:14:00]
Graphics Library: GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Cache size N/A never calculated
So same PHP, also same Apache 2.4.53.
The only thing that visibly differs is the software handling the database.
So my next step will be to contact my host provider and ask them if an upgrade is available.
Last edited by MartaW (2022-04-03 17:32:56)
An update:
No update, no joy.
My host provider says that they do not plan any changes to their servers in a foreseeable future. So I am stuck with Piwigo 2.10.2 for now.